Let’s use social media to get
our students off of social media
Students who feel connected to their peers are more likely to succeed academically, contribute to the community, and retain a long-term relationship with the institution.
Part of your mission is to foster belonging and improve student mental health. But your time and resources are limited, and hiring more counselors can only be part of the solution.
SIDEKICK CAN HELP – We’re not social media. We’re something new. Sidekick is a social catalyst.

Our mobile app is designed:
to give clubs and other groups a way to get the word out about their activities and upcoming events.
to give administrators a window into campus trends and a sense of the overall health of the community.
Sidekick can serve as a hub for social life, both organized and one-on-one, wherever your students live, work and study. We put it all together in one place. Sidekick is your campus dashboard for friendship and fun.
Our app encourages students to make new friends by sharing the interests they have in common. As you know, the best way for students to make meaningful connections is to get off their devices, out of their rooms, and into the real world – together.
That’s what makes Sidekick different from all of the social media sites that are designed to hook users and keep them online for as long as possible. We believe that online relationships can never substitute for the depth and impact of real-world connections.
Sidekick’s app provides students and clubs with a safe way to communicate that eliminates the toxicity of social media. No more photoshopped pictures, follower counts, likes and dislikes, imposters, and negative comments. Friendship isn’t a competition.
Register your college or university to join our pilot program and participate in the nationwide roll-out of the Sidekick app.